
Vacation projects

I was on vacation this past week so I decided to try and finish up some long awaited home projects. We've lived in our townhouse for 4 years and only now am I getting to things like hanging pictures on the walls.

I love my hubby! Only a man truly secure in his manhood would allow his wife to hang crazy curtains like these! I was feeling like my living room was a bit staid, so I went off the deep end of quirkiness.... An added bonus was that I got to use my awesome semi-new Husqvarna Viking "Huskystar" (I love that name! Reminds me of the hubby.) sewing machine. I now present my Amy Butler Cherry Wall Flower curtains:

The print on the right was purchased years ago at the Festival of Philippine Arts and Culture in San Pedro. On the left are first issue native orchid postage stamps from my Auntie Cathy who's a nun in the Philippines. She knows I'm all nationalista and she always sends me the coolest stuff. I mounted them on some cool Free Spirit fabric and put them in a shadow box.

Inspired by a painting hanging at a good friend's house, I bought a similar painting on eBay. And we finally got our giant spoons and forks on the wall -- essential in every Filipino household -- a gift from the hubby's aunt who just immigrated a couple years back.

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